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湖西大学图书馆/ Bang Keun YOU + DongWoo Architects and...
来自 : 豆瓣 发布时间:2021-03-25
湖西大学图书馆/ Bang Keun YOU + DongWoo Architects and Consultants关键词:iarch专筑,专筑视频,专筑讲坛,专筑网

标签:建筑, 文化建筑, 图书馆, 韩国, 2015, Bang Keun YOU + DongWoo Architects and Consultants, 玻璃, 钢材

Hoseo University Library



From the architect. A university is like a small city; If you don’t want a building to merge anonymously with the cityscape, it needs to have his own architectural language.

By rainy or snowy days, the Hoseo University could look particularly gloomy and unappealing to the students. Indeed, most of the existing buildings are facing North main entrance, they have similar number of stories and also similar facades made of granite.



The design of Hoseo University Library had to clearly contrast with the general campus monotony, being clearly identifiable by the students as the library building.

The library is located on the left of the campus main entrance. With a straight visibility from the entrance, i wanted the library to feel light, bright, with a distinctive emblematic shape. The library mass is inspired by a stack of books, each book shifts creating various functional spaces all-over the library volume.

以上文字节选自专筑网“湖西大学图书馆/ Bang Keun YOU + DongWoo Architects and Consultants”一文,全文阅读http://www.iarch.cn/thread-30958-1-1.html

本文链接: http://dongwoo.immuno-online.com/view-728341.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)